
CEO's Message

Collectively we can make the planet better and peaceful

We are living in the global village and connected to millions of people exchanging information in our day to day life. We are living in the most competitive world. We may not know the consequences. For everything, there is an end and I am afraid of. If we see Gods message, many times he guided our ancestor to advance level and destroyed all of a sudden. If we see major development was done due to the industrial revolution. It is less than 100 years. Then what happens to world war one, two and so on. We need to understand the Gods plan. When someone is doing the crime then God will make another stronger representative to destroy him, applicable to entire creatures. So we should be humble, reasonable, helping others and God fearing, maintaining excellent relation can change the life of millions. Ego, greed, power and proud are the main reason for sufferings. Another suffering we are inviting by improving lifespan from 80 to 130 years. With rapidly introducing advanced food supplements and creating awareness for better health and longevity. 

Scientists are also worried about longevity if enough resource or source of income provisions are not made for the old age. Who is going to take care? Bell is ringing. If we don’t take care of our self and not making enough provisions then it will be our own funerals. Before any natural disaster, there will be a warning and news spreads all over, so people can take care of themselves with a better shelter. If someone thinks God will take care that means he is refusing the God’s instruction. God also wants us to save any surplus for the future. We have enough experience in our lives with so many ups and downs. One scholar rightly said if God is on your side, then who can be against you? No one! And God is against you, then who can be on your side? No one! And if you have earned the love of God, then what you lose? Nothing! And if you lose the love of God, then what did you really gain? Nothing! The consequences, benefits and exclusive privilege that you enjoy as a result of God’s love are countless! To mention only a few, if almighty God love you, he will place your love in the hearts of the people. And if people love you that’s a priceless gain! When almighty God loves you he grants you wisdom with a lot of goodness. A wise man will manage and be happy with small income! But without wisdom, he could be miserable with an unlimited income! A wise man will be happy and content with an average wife, but an unwise man could be miserable with a first class wife! A wise man can turn enemies into friends! But an unwise man could turn his friends into enemies! In short, one is granted priceless gain, when he is granted wisdom and to the believers as a reward for their faith and righteousness and bless with peace and tranquillity, contentment, happiness, optimism, strength, self-confidence, correctness, the right perspective and give you happiness even if it’s all you possess. But if you lose it, you will be miserable even if you possess everything else. 

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